Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Hi Sherri!!!   Hope your first week of work has been going good!  I'm sure we'll be catching up soon.  I do want to hear all about it!  I know you did great!  Welcome back to the world of regulatory.

I'm attaching a picture of my newest project.  It's not going very fast, go figure, it's knitting.  It's a scarf for my hubby.  I wanted to make it a surprise, but couldn't.  LoL!  He told me he doesn't wear scarves.  I told him he would want it. Crazy man!  He's getting it anyhow!  I mostly work on it at a group that meets every Saturday at Noon at a little place called Summer Thyme.  The group averages any where from 10 to 20+ people.

The house is still NOT put together and there are STILL boxes and sacks all over the house for stuff that needs to get put away and/or organized! 

Hugs... catch you later! Cin


  1. Hi Cindy! Work is going well. Not so sure about where I am living at the moment or more to the point the person I am living with. Long story short she is acting diffrently then when I first met and moved in with her. I will be on the look out for a diffrent place.
    The scarf is beautiful! He will be crazy if he doesn't wear it. Silly men! What kind of yarn is that? I am glad to hear that you got plugged into a group. i am searching, I need something here in DSM. I have tried 2 churches so far 1 - lutheran; 2 - Assembly of God; I will be trying a few others but I really think that I like the groups that the lutheran church offers. Art, Beth Moore, and others.

    Don't worry about the house you will get it all put together!

    Love ya!

  2. Hello. I was just wondering if you ever came by here. Doesn't look like it.

